We are at the tail end of finishing up an on line driving tour of historic churches that includes the United States only standing original Gothic church that is also one of our nations oldest structures, Bruton parish church in Colonial Williamsburg, Grace Church in Yorktown, St Peter's church, where George Washington got married, in New Kent county and many other incredible sites. We went to an incredibly small and boring, well Kilmarnock called it a wine festival, it was more like a snooze festival, to speak to some of the wineries there to stir up interest in our up coming project of an on line wine tour that we expect to start at the Williamsburg winery and wrap up at Oak Crest in the Northern Neck.
Inclusion into the driving tour is free so long as the owners of the winery opt in within one week of notification from us, otherwise we have a fee of somewhere around $1,000.00 if the winery owners wait to long. We have put this in place because we are tired of sending out numerous emails and making lots of calls and never getting a response from people. It's like an insurance policy for us so we can meet our own deadlines for what we say the time frame for a completed project will be. Well the rep couldn't listen to us and couldn't get past the $1,000.00 inclusion fee, never bothering to listen to the free part.
So Belle Mount Vineyards is off our lists and will not be included in our tour. How anyone can possibly say no to free advertising is beyond us, but like I said, he wasn't listening to us anyway. Why the headline then? Because he told us that he was pretty confident that he could speak for all the winery owners of the Northern Neck that they too would have no interest in a free inclusion into our driving tour promotions. We guess this guy has political aspirations for congress or a Senate seat in the near future.
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