
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Williamsburg, VA - A History of American Christianity

American Christianity"A History of American Christianity from Chuck Thompson

A History of American Christianity.  This is a free e-book that is 258 pages total.  You are more than welcome to download a copy of this e-book from our Slideshare location.  This is part of our history series.  This book has a number of truly fascinating facts that you probably never read anywhere else. Some history on William Penn, history of the separation of church and state and how it was the Baptists behind that separation.   This is the type of information you will not find on other sites and are not likely to find anywhere else for that matter.

Williamsburg Triangle Links and News
History With A Difference.
For Updated News, Please Click The Home Button At The Top Of The Page.

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Friday, August 3, 2012

Williamsburg - Thomas Jefferson Responds

Thomas Jefferson - Response To The Citizens of Albemarle, February 12, 1790" Thomas Jefferson - Response To The Citizens of Albemarle, February 12, 1790 from Chuck Thompson

Thomas Jefferson by Rembrandt Peale: (1805) [c...
Thomas Jefferson by Rembrandt Peale: (1805) [cropped] (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We are now beginning something different for the historic area.  Everyone else covers events and tries to get your attention to get your money.  We are going to save you money and give you what you are coming into the area for.  Real history.  Sure, we will also show you all of the fun stuff too, but we are raising the bar of all the other sites and showing you how it all relates.  And if you want to download a copy of this document?  Please click on the Slideshare link and go to my page where you are more than welcome to download a copy of this document.

The United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corp performing in Colonial Williamsburg, May, 2009.  

Williamsburg Triangle Links and News
History With A Difference.
For Updated News, Please Click The Home Button At The Top Of The Page.

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Monday, July 16, 2012

WTLN - Early Jamestown's Way With Mud

Jamestown Rediscovery Experimental Archarology
Joshua Graml of Colonial Williamsburg mus inside a inside the barracks building at Jamestown. Archaeologhists and students are building with "mud and stud" structures similar to those unearthed from the remains of the 1608 fort. (Joe Fudge, Daily Press / July 10, 2012

More than 400 years after America's first permanent English settlement rose from the ground, archaeologists are combining local clay, loam and black needle rush grass in an experimental effort to recreate the unique method used to construct some of the colony's earliest buildings.
The project blends archaeological evidence gleaned fromJamestown with research into the traditional mud-and-stud building techniques of Lincolnshire, England, which was the home of such key settlers asCapt. John Smith and carpenter William Laxton.
It also requires Preservation Virginia archaeologist David Givens and his Historic Jamestowne students to learn on the job, employing their eyes and fingertips in a trial-and-error attempt to unlock the lost secrets of the simple but age-old tradition of building with mud.

"We can talk about the ingredients and the recipe all day long. We know the materials used in the mud-and-stud buildings here pretty well," Givens says.
"What we don't know much about is the implementation. This is a lost art. So we're trying to use this reconstruction process to get back into the mindset of the colonists and see how it was done."
Led by project director William M. Kelso, archaeologists unearthed their first fragments of James Fort's early mud-and-stud buildings during the excavation of a long barracks-like structure back in the mid-1990s.
They knew right away the otherwise ordinary-looking clods of clay were significant because of the unusual textures impressed into their sides.
"All we could see were the marks left by the reeds and the studs," Kelso says. "And now we're using them to help us with the experimental reconstruction."

CLICK HERE for the rest of the story.

Williamsburg Triangle Links and News.  WTLN Website.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Political History - James Madison On Constitutional Law

To help everyone better appreciate Williamsburg and surrounding areas for their history, we are starting a series of historical documents and clips from the time period leading up to, during and quotations after the Colonial Period of America.  We have decided to port in the works through Slideshare for numerous reasons.  For one, Slideshare hosts the creations we put together in a PDF container that works very well.  Two, it gives us a good backup of the works.  Three, it allows us to share the works on numerous platforms all at the same time.

  We are also licensing this work to anyone who wishes to share it.  You are welcome to download a copy of the work and share it in any manner you wish under the terms of the below license.  You can read this work on Slideshare and then download the paper to your computer or embed the work on any web site.  You are also welcome to print and distribute the work in any manner under the terms of the license.  We have more of these works coming soon.

Williamsburg Triangle Links and News.  WTLN Website.

Creative Commons License
Political History, James Madison on Constitutional Law by Chuck Thompson of TTC Media, GVLN and WTLN is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Grand Old Flag, 4th of July Celebration, Williamsburg Triangle

Grand Old Flag.  Happy 4th of July everyone.  From the staff of the all new WTLN.  A TTC Media Site.
Williamsburg Triangle Links and News.

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American Patriot Part 3, Colonial Williamsburg

American Patriot Part 3.  Colonial Williamsburg.  Part of our 4th of July celebration.  The all new WTLN.

American Patriot Part 2, Colonial Williamsburg

The American Patriot Part 2.  Colonial Williamsburg.  Part of our 4th of July Celebration.  The all new WTLN.  A TTC Media Site.

American Patriot, Part One, Williamsburg, Virginia

American Patriot, Part OneFrom Colonial Williamsburg.  Part of our 4th of July Celebration.  WTLN.

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Colonial Williamsburg Fife and Drum Corp Play The National Anthem, 4th of July Celebration

The Colonial Williamsburg Fife and Drum corp plays the National Anthem.  Part of our 4th of July Celebration.  The all new WTLN.

United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corp, 4th of July Celebration

The United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corp video.  Part of our 4th of July Celebration.  Welcome back to the all new WTLN web site.  

Victory At Yorktown, happy 4th of July to the entire Historic Williamsburg Triangle area.  Yorktown, Williamsburg and Jamestown.  Plus all the surrounding areas.

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